Vapor permeable films from the renowned manufacturer Riwega with 155g.
Vapor-permeable films from the renowned manufacturer Riwega with 185g.
Bituminous vapor barriers with low water vapor permeability.
Vapor-permeable foils are used in ventilated roofs and facades and allow the passage of water vapor from thermal insulation. This reduces the possibility of moisture condensation.
The adhesive tape for vapor-permeable foils is intended for gluing and sealing the contacts of the secondary vapor-permeable UV-resistant foil.
Sealing tapes for longitudinal sealing.
It enables the ridge and ridge to be protected against the entry of carrion, leaves, birds, rain and snow.
It is mounted on ridges and ridges and adapts to all types of coverings. It enables the ridge and ridge to be protected against the entry of carrion, leaves, birds, rain and snow.
The fastest Primer in the world.
Universal, butyl adhesive tape with a semi-flexible polyethylene joint, solvent-free.
The double-sided adhesive tape for vapor-permeable foils is intended for gluing and sealing the contacts of the secondary vapor-permeable UV-resistant foil.
The single-sided adhesive tape for vapor-permeable foils is intended for gluing and sealing the contacts of the secondary vapor-permeable UV-resistant foil
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